Editorial Board Members

Most journals operate under the guidance of an editorial board, providing expert advice on content, attracting new authors and encouraging submissions. The Editorial Board, or (Editorial) Advisory Board, is a team of experts in the books field.
  • * Review submitted manuscripts.
  • * Advise on Book policy and scope.
  • * Attract new authors and submissions.
  • * Promote and present the academic books to the students, academicians, scholars, authors, institutions and peers.
  • * Assist the editor(s) in decision making over issues such as plagiarism claims and submissions where reviewers can’t agree on a decision.

Editor In Chief

Sanghamitra Kar
  • Director, Shalvi Infofine Private Ltd., Odisha, India
  • info@liispring.com

Executive Editor

Dr. P K Narendra
  • Assistant Professor, P.G Department of History Khallikote (Auto) College, Berhampur, Odisha (India)
  • 2narendrapk@gmail.com

  • Lecturer Faculty of Education Open University of Sri Lanka
  • rvive@ou.ac.lk

Dr. Ch. Sudhakar
  • Principal, GKV Mohavidyalay subalaya, Ganjam, Odisha, India
  • sudhakar2016subalaya@gmail.com

Associate Editors

Dr. Pawan kumar Dubey
  • Asst. Professor P. G. Dept. of Economics, K. A. P. G. College Kasganj, AGRA U. P., (Agra university)
  • Dr.Pawan dubey 93@mail.com

Deepa Sharma
  • Assistant Professor, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Management, MM Deemed to be University, Mullana, India
  • deepasharmaphd@mmumullana.org

Dr. Sheshagiri B
  • Faculty of Economics, Karnataka State Law University, Navanagar, Karnataka, India
  • sheshagirib47@gmail.com